I am a master student at the University of Tokyo pursuing a M.E in Aeronautics and Astronautics under supervision of Professor Nakasuka in the Intelligent Space System Laboratory.

During my bachelor’s and master’s studies, I am doing a resear on the satellite hardware configurations and orbit determination strategies for Lunar Navigation Satellite System (LNSS). I am also working on structural design and development and thermal operation for three nano-satellites missions called EQUULEUS, SPHERE 1-EYE, and ONGLAISAT focusing on cutting edge technology demonstration, versatile system design, and project management process.

I also engaged in a human space mission design. For my bachelor's graduation project, I have designed a space station module for low earth orbit, which functions as a music facility, which is called "Space Music Hall". This project was mentored by a senior manager of Kibo module in the International Space Station (ISS) in the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

I am eagerly working seeking a Ph.D. position that will start in fall 2024. If this opportunity piques your interest, I would be delighted to receive your correspondence.

Please refer to my CV (last updated at January 2024) for the latest information and Contact.


M.E. in Aerospace Engineering Mar, 2024(Expected) Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo GPA: 3.83/4.00 Thesis: “System design optimization of a lunar navigation and communications constellation to meet uncertain lunar development demands in a phased manner.”(tentative) B.E. in Aerospace Engineering Mar, 2022 Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo GPA: 3.53/4.00 Thesis: “A study on satellite system and their orbit estimation in the early lunar navigation satellite system”(Advisor: Prof. Shinichi Nakasuka)

Research Experience

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Intelligent Space Systems Laboratory, The University of Tokyo Apr, 2021 - Present Role: Graduate research assistant Adviser: Prof. Shinichi Nakasuka & Dr. Toshiki Tanaka Program Title: Nano-satellite to provide navigation and IoT communication services to lunar orbiters and spacecraft on the moon Funding & Agency: Space Exploration Fundamental Technology Advancement Program adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Related Publications: (J2)(C4) Keywords: Systems Engineering, Satellite System Design, Space Habitat Design,Decision making in complex systems Staged development of space system under demand uncertainty Small satellite system design and optimization Flexibility and versatility of the system Model based systems engineering Analysis and design of human space missions with a focus on environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS)

Teaching Experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant Apr, 2022 - Aug, 2022 To Prof.Shinichi Nakasuka in “Exercises in Space Engineering “ Created report assignments: satellite system design for a GEO communication mission Topics: multi disciplinary design optimization, subsystem design of spacecraft


Academic Appointments

Assistant Researcher of ISAS/JAXA Aug, 2022 - Present To Operation of the SLS onboard CubeSat explorer project (EQUULEUS)

Fellowships & Awards

Nakajima Foundation Study Abroad Fellowship Sep, 2024 - Sep, 2026 Two-year funding (tuition:3 million yen/year + stipend: 3.6 million yen/year) for Ph.D. study abroad. Maximum 5 years for stipend. Agency: Nakajima Foundation, Japan WINGS CFS Fellowship Sep, 2022 - Present Two years stipend funding for graduate study Agency: WINGS CFS, The University of Tokyo, Japan 28th Campus Genius Contest finalist Nov, 2022 Title of work: The Design of Space Music Hall nominated as one of the 28 great works in the artistic category from 404 works Archive: https://archive.campusgenius.jp/2022/works/6304/ Travel Award for Researchers Attending International Conferences Apr, 2023 Travel expense for the 52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems in Calgary Agency: The NEC C&C Foundation, Japan


Please see here


Email: toma [🌏] space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

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